Nutritionist-Approved Healthy Snacks to Eat While Binge Watching Web Series

Binge watching web series is a serious proposition and deciding what to watch over weekend takes a lot of patience and will. More than that, deciding what snacks to eat while binge watching your favourite Hindi web series is also a task. While Watcho has got you covered as far as the selection which web series to watch is concerned, bookmark this post for snacks ideas to have while you are binge watching.

Here are the most loved snacks from around the globe that are perfect for web series binge watchers:

Banana Split Bites
A perfect and healthy snacking companion for your web series binge watch marathon, dip some cut banana bits on a popsicle stick in molten chocolate and top them with your choice of cut fruits like strawberry, pineapple, or mango. Set in freezer a day before eating.

Parmesan Roasted Tomatoes
This is one of the ideal, filling snacks for your binge watch web series run. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese over halved tomatoes and season with salt and black pepper. Microwave till cheese melts and you’re good to go.

Trail Mix
This is one of the easiest snack you can lay your hands on while watching your favourite Hindi web series. The energy-boosting trail mix has all nuts like cashews, almonds, raisins, dried cranberries, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. The only snack that you can make in a jiffy and won’t drain you out when you’re glued to the screen watching web series one after the other.

Diet Popcorn
Amidst all the debate around health benefits and adverse effects of popcorn, what lies at the bottom is a healthy whole grain that is extremely nutritious for the body if cooked properly. Just dry pop the grains in pot or microwave them and season with some herbs, salt, and a light drizzle of olive oil. Won’t hurt your tummy and no carbs intake either!

Beetroot Chips
Who doesn’t love snacking chips while binge watching TV shows or Hindi web series but traditional potato chips can be extremely unhealthy. Go for beetroot, kale, or sweet potato and grill them till they’re nicely toasted and crisp. Season with some herbs, salt, paprika, and a drizzle of olive oil. You’re all set for your web series marathon.


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